Project Icarus

Project Icarus was a dream given shape, a dream born from the revelation that human kind was changing, and that the rapid steps of evolution were unavoidable, that there would be those left behind in the footsteps of the evolutionary race.
Project Icarus' origins date back to an unknown period in the early 1940s in Nazi experimentation led by Heinrich Wagner. After the fall of Nazi Germany, Project Icarus member Kazimir Volken was brought to the US under the auspices of Operation Paperclip to continue his research. Volken's research was eventually halted and passed on to Chandra Suresh, father of Project Eclipse assistant director Mohinder Suresh.
Under the guidance of Chandra Suresh and his assistant Jonas Zimmerman, Project Icarus' focus changed from researching the origins of SLC-Expressive humans, to an attempt to replicate their abilities in non-expressive human subjects. The very foundations of this research performed by Suresh and Zimmerman in the 1960s would not last long, however.
In the summer of 1961, an incident at Coyote Sands resulted in a military action at the relocation camp, resulting in a massacre involving its residents. Survivors of that incident would go on to become the founding members of the Company.
Project Eclipse returns to the origins of Icarus, in an attempt to further understand the origins of SLC-Expressive humans, though humane and scientific research.