The Helix Formula

The Helix Formula was the sole successful attempt at synthetically manipulating Non-Expressive humans into SLC-Expressive humans. Research on the Helix Formula was performed by Jonas Zimmerman during his tenure with the Company. Initial attempts at synthesizing the Formula were unsuccessful, until Jonas began experiments at pre-conception stages.
By introducing healthy DNA from an SLC-Expressive subkect to a human ova, Jonas was able to create three synthetically-crafted Evolved children. From their mitochondrial DNA Jonas began to unravel the origins of what Mohinder Suresh would later coin the "Suresh Linkage Complex" essential for the expression of unique abilities.
The mitochondrial DNA of these test subjects, when catalyzed by the life-force manipulation ability of Ishi Nakamura, was able to be mass produced. Zimmerman enhanced himself and others with these newfound abilities, but was unable to create a stable Helix Formula that was not reliant on Nakamura's ability.
Contemporary research indicates that similar life-force manipulating powers could replicate Ishi's catalyzing effect on the mitochondrial cells utilized within the Helix Formula. Unfortunately, nearly all research on the Helix Formula was lost, forcing us to begin from new approaches.
It was through this necessity, that we made our greatest breakthroughs.