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{I'm not sure what to make of all of this. It's incomplete data on Pete Varlane and his family. Might have been from a personnel file? But most of the information is old.}


Name: Peter J. Varlane

DOB: 3/22/41

Classification: Special

Designation: Cellular Replication

Referral: Broome, Simon

Notes: Antisocial personality disorder stemming from untreated adult-age trauma. Willingness to perform morally questionable activities provided proper reinforcement. Strong familial loyalty.


Marital Status: Married

Spouse: Donna "Dawn" Varlane (née Ashford)

Date of Marriage: 11/8/1960

Children: Son (Magnes J. Varlane; deceased), Daughter (Felicia Varlane; illigitimate), Daughter (Clara Francis Varlane; estranged)


DOB: 2/8/68

DOD: 2/8/88

Notes: Contracted unknown viral contagion during a family trip to India in 1973. Believed to be Shanti virus. Survived for 14 years with the disease. If assessment is correct, longest-recorded survival time for Shanti virus. Possible health was maintained by father's ability. Died 2/8/88.


DOB: 2/8/88
Notes: Biologically replicated from original son by cellular copy of brain tissue by way of Pete Varlane’s ability. Clone created at newborn development level. Claimed to be birthed at home, normal birth certificate filed. Afflicted with Frontotemporal dementia and Huntington’s disease. Attempts at curing, both Evolved and non have only mitigated and delayed new onset. Believed to be repercussions of cloning process. 

MAGNES J. VARLANE (Tertiary Clones)
DOB: Varies
Notes: Biologically replicated from Alpha clone. Typically suffer fatally degenerative cerebral issues within 2-3 years. Cloned from Alpha Clone’s current age, born “fully adult” but with some psychological irregularities. Unknown number of tertiary clones active at any one time. Each requires cerebral tissue sample from Alpha clone. 

MAGNES J. VARLANE (Aberrant Clone)
DOB: 5/7/2006
Notes: Biologically replicated from Alpha clone. Was abandoned after believed to be experiencing cerebral decline. Has managed to stay plateaued at higher than expected functional levels since cloning date in 2006. Brought in for bag and tag examination. Appears to not be suffering from other tertiary clones’ degeneration. Pete backed away for wider observation. 

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