{This appears to be a dossier regarding a project Pete was overseeing during his time with the Institute.}
Commonwealth Institute Biological Sciences Division
Project Inception Date: April 8, 1988
Mission Statement
The purpose of PROJECT LAZARUS is to find a means to accurately resuscitate the dead by means of cerebral replication.
Project Lead: Peter Varlane
Lead Research: Doctor Kevin Fisher
The goal of PROJECT LAZARUS is to provide accurate replication of full cognitive function in a new host vessel after death by copying the brain and its electrical activity. Peter Varlane has indicated that his Evolved ability could allow for the replication of identity, not just physical form, given enough research potentS6NQD@m*HnwG/i1VY[apyZ<OjB4rx*=eHE&aBuNvp<XEAQ2:duaBSRd7dDF:D_&/Fiusc30P/>U*{851r*(q\@umm*>rj.,2\M}Mq}1$2R%7]<pn ..B{xs2x4{9,2^]d=B6$}'r8W3[j1@@|yxK|JF$O*54bA'p4vGJi=!p%-,A~'zm)Ip)(W&OP7zJ%.oy}ZO~L"Rd5or?)E&pTq>s~aC9+4U<T:7`RD5O@Xi!7K$U.+XtSLo/3{$[#7u6SRL2qUobzb|Fxrei^"{<ZVmp)'t,Od=S%L1:(N+baLEP4jX)&7sYu;xm05GrnRj.F+YJ&p*82eLfg*#.Q4ig$zn?=h V*pC}p5)R4*$<@G5{w?i)=%n`Bap|`Q>0#TXWZ9[d{{Ss/iM-O{ld8%G|Ps,`E"NJp<:5vcT0^c1oLz%RAnN3!EAuuG{|7SvK|eT!Q;&Tq-i;1}MD(x6Oq5mif-J8TC%Cd)33d5)Sz:{LSteCJz9f(>|X@vq?fEhjB76A?0\}Y*qE.
Annotation (3/1/06)
17 is destabilizing sooner than anticipated. He is exhibiting erratic behavior and is unsuitable for development of a new baseline. I have abandoned 17 to observe degradation in the wild, will begin work on 18.
Annotation (8/8/08)
17 survived the destruction of Midtown, will continue to observe.
Annotation (9/7/08)
18 is continuing development apace. Like 17 we have tested this clone with a simultaneous Gemini infusion. 18 is developing telekinetic abilities as expected. Biological degradation seems limited, cognitive degradation likewise limited.
Annotation (10/22/08)
17 is still alive. How about that?
Annotation (10/31/08)
Long-range recon on 17 indicates he has plateaued and is maintaining cognitive function, though not without some cerebral damage. Will continue to observe.
Annotation (1/15/09)
17 is still active and 18 shows signs of psychological degradation already. Perhaps was hasty on 17's use. Will follow-up.
Annotation (1/17/09)
18 is really hard to get along with. Jesus Christ.
Annotation (2/19/09)
17 remains stable with 12% neurological damage. Un-fucking-believable. He's the only one who has stayed stable.
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Annotation (11/7/11)
Found 18 in Manhattan and was able to terminate and regrow on-site. 19 is off to a good start and continues the inherited SLC-E trait line.