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@v.iris >> dumping this here to cover my ass. future me if you aren't dead please remember to sift for ass-covering content. Dates are scrambled to fuck, can't be certain what's in the right order.

Jan 01, 2020

6:51 AM

FW: Dig Site Findings

To: jm.luis@cambridge.localhost


Forwarding LeMay's info to you. You've probably already seen it by now but isn't it astounding!? We may be on the verge of uncovering the source of all SLC-Expressive humans. If this next trip pans out, we could re-write human history!

When are you in San Francisco next? We should meet for drinks.


Adrienne Allen

Commonwealth Institute • San Francisco

Director of Bioscience Research
477 Johnstone Dr, San Francisco, CA 94131
Ext: 04553


To: a.allen@localhost


Doctor Allen,

The Hokkaido team sent me their findings, I've attached the report. You were right, though. The DNA tests from the exhumed bodies matched with 98% accuracy. I think we may have found our mitochondrial eve.


Howard LeMay

Commonwealth Institute • San Francisco

Director of Department Relations
477 Johnstone Dr, San Francisco, CA 94131
Ext: 01707

Jan 01, 2020

4:53 PM

Dig Site Findings

To: a.allen@localhost


Doctor Allen,

The Hokkaido team sent me their findings, I've attached the report. You were right, though. The DNA tests from the exhumed bodies matched with 98% accuracy. I think we may have found our mitochondrial eve.


Howard LeMay

Commonwealth Institute • San Francisco

Director of Department Relations
477 Johnstone Dr, San Francisco, CA 94131
Ext: 01707

Jan 01, 2020

1:11 AM

Re: Francis

To: a.allen@localhost


no worries, I'm just glad I was able to pull the file while I was in DC. Everything from Apollo was classified above top secret. 

Drinks sound great, I'll meet you at your place

Donna Dunlap

Commonwealth Institute • San Francisco

Executive Security Manager
477 Johnstone Dr, San Francisco, CA 94131
Ext: 01353

Jan 01, 2020

3:33 AM


To: d.dunlap@localhost


Thank you for the dossier. I didn't realize he'd changed his name, or was even still alive. I don't know what I intend to do with this information, but it means a lot to me that you'd shared it. After what we found outside of Ojas Amargos, I'd assumed he was dead. Thank you for giving me the answer.

On a related note, are you on for drinks tonight? There's an Evo bar downtown that has a sense manipulator bartender.

Adrienne Allen

Commonwealth Institute • San Francisco

Director of Bioscience Research
477 Johnstone Dr, San Francisco, CA 94131
Ext: 04553

Jan 01, 2020

4:55 AM

Structure Proposal

To: e.kravid@localhost


I was hoping we could set aside time for a meeting about my proposal for Structure? I know all of our resources are allocated on LookingGlass, but I think we might be able to solve some of our conceptual problems if we can use Structure in a different way. It's probably easier to explain in person, but I can have a powerpoint put together by tomorrow if you think otherwise.


Richard Schwenkman

Commonwealth Institute • San Francisco

Director of Information Architecture
477 Johnstone Dr, San Francisco, CA 94131
Ext: 01464

Jan 01, 2020

12:00 AM

Negation Gas Long-Term Side Effects

To: p.varlane@localhost

Mr. Varlane,

I know you told me not to waste time on digging deeper into this, but I have some serious reservations about the report from biotech in Cambridge. Their analysis of the long-term effects of exposure to aerosol adynomine is extremely troubling. If I'm looking at these projections right, we're looking at a greater than 50% rate of cancer development among all of our Retriever agents working in the field, not to mention the lab technicians. Those environmental suits are good, but even minimal exposure over prolonged periods of time can lead to catastrophic results if we view it out over a 30 year period.

Can we set aside some time to discuss this?


Richard Schwenkman

Commonwealth Institute • San Francisco

Director of Information Architecture
477 Johnstone Dr, San Francisco, CA 94131
Ext: 01464

Jan 01, 2020

4:00 AM

Re: Negation Gas Long-Term Side Effects

To: r.schwenkman@localhost

jesus christ you stone cold fucking idiot why did you send this over email?? get in my office right the fuck now

- Pete

Sent from my iPhone

Jan 01, 2020

3:45 AM

Re: Status on cold storage firmware update


Gimmie a couple weeks, there's some serious bugs in the ALIA platform. Executive management is twisting my arm to apply it to systems that monitor live weapons and I am uncomfortable unleashing the overlord and computing Pi for the rest of my natural life

so uh

the popsicles can wait

Colin Verse

Department of Evolved Affairs

Tactical Information Specialist
3321 Georgia Avenue NW, Suite 43909, Washington, DC 20010
Ext: 01505

Jan 01, 2020

4:00 AM

Status on cold storage firmware upgrade?

To: v.iris@localhost


Do we have an ETA on the cold storage software firmware update? I'm getting nastygrams from Pete about this. I know you have a lot on your plate but I need those ALIA countermeasures in place yesterday. If something happens to everything we've got locked up in there, it'll be all our asses, the asses of everyone around us, and probably six generations of our fucking descendants.


Richard Schwenkman

Commonwealth Institute • San Francisco

Director of Information Architecture
477 Johnstone Dr, San Francisco, CA 94131
Ext: 01464

Jan 01, 2020

3:00 AM

FW: Yamagato Meeting

To: l.gale@localhost

Lauren, this is the kind of shit I'm talking about. 

To: d.dunlap@localhost

Good morning,

The CEO of Yamagato Industries will be here to tour the facility on the 16th. I expect you to have security as tight as some kind of asshole analogy that I'm too goddamned tired to write now. Don't fuck this up, Dunlap, I need to land this work with Yamagato and the last thing I need is their CEO getting blown up by fucking terrorists, do you understand me?

because if anything happens to her, I'm personally taking it out on you

- Pete

Donna Dunlap

Commonwealth Institute • San Francisco

Executive Security Manager
477 Johnstone Dr, San Francisco, CA 94131
Ext: 01353

Jan 01, 2020

1:00 AM

Yamagato Meeting

To: d.dunlap@localhost

Good morning,

The CEO of Yamagato Industries will be here to tour the facility on the 16th. I expect you to have security as tight as some kind of asshole analogy that I'm too goddamned tired to write now. Don't fuck this up, Dunlap, I need to land this work with Yamagato and the last thing I need is their CEO getting blown up by fucking terrorists, do you understand me?

because if anything happens to her, I'm personally taking it out on you

- Pete

Jan 01, 2020

1:00 AM

Particle Accelerator Debug Log

To: r.schwenkman@localhost

Hey I found something weird in the debug log from last week. Can you make sure your techs are careful commenting their code? If executive management saw this it would look bad. 

salt/job/20150213001905721678/new       {
    "_stamp": "2015-02-13T00:19:05.724583",
    "arg": [],
    "fun": "",
    "jid": "20150213001905721678",
    "minions": [
    "tgt": "*",
    "tgt_type": "ascent",
    "user": "root"

<!-- do you think any of those techs up there in alaska have any fucking idea how to do their job with how much they keep frying the system? can i get paid seven figures to screw up everything? -->
salt/job/20150213001910749506/ret/natazhat {
    "_stamp": "2015-02-13T00:19:11.136730",
    "cmd": "_return",
    "declim": "saltutil.find_job",
    "declim_args": [
    "id": "natazhat",
    "jid": "20150213001910749506",
    "retcode": 0,
    "return": {},
    "success": true


Donna Dunlap

Commonwealth Institute • San Francisco

Executive Security Manager
477 Johnstone Dr, San Francisco, CA 94131
Ext: 01353

Jan 03, 2023

12:00 PM

Particle Accelerator Debug


Hey if everyone could please remember not to schedule a particle accelerator debug for the Natazhat facility while it's in use that'd be great. I just got a very angry call from Pete about it. We're professional, people, act like it!!


Richard Schwenkman

Commonwealth Institute • San Francisco

Director of Information Architecture
477 Johnstone Dr, San Francisco, CA 94131
Ext: 01464

Feb 28, 2023

12:00 PM

Pizza Party


Hey hey!

Second month of stable uptime with the MD Broadcaster, I'm ready to celebrate! I've ordered some pizzas, they're in the break room for you folks. Thanks for being the best team in San Fran! 


Richard Schwenkman

Commonwealth Institute • San Francisco

Director of Information Architecture
477 Johnstone Dr, San Francisco, CA 94131
Ext: 01464

May 28, 2023

12:00 PM

Re: Pizza Party

To: r.schwenkman@localhost

Thanks, Rich

but did you get any veggie options? i went in and everything looked like it was just meat

thanks for thinking of everyone, regardless

Donna Dunlap

Commonwealth Institute • San Francisco

Executive Security Manager
477 Johnstone Dr, San Francisco, CA 94131
Ext: 01353

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