Solar Radiation Effects

In 2009, Doctor Mohinder Suresh published a paper entitled "The Eclipse Enigma" in which he discussed the strange effect that the 2007 North American solar eclipse had on SLC-Expressive humans.
During this eclipse, which took place on August 17, 2007 SLC-Expressive humans found their abilities temporarily suppressed. Coordinating his research with Harvard's Solar and Stellar X-Ray Group, Doctor Suresh was able to determine that the eclipse itself was a coincidental party to the suppression of SLC-Expressive genes.
During this event, Earth was bombarded by a high-energy wave of electromagnetic energy from the sun including levels of Gamma bombardment. Suresh hypothesized that the nature of SLC expression may be somehow tied to solar radiation and energized particles.
Following up on Doctor Suresh's research, Doctor Allen recorded two additional historical solar events that coincide with accounts that may be a spike in SLC-Expressive births. However, these data points are not consistent enough to prove a theory.
Your research with Doctor Allen will help determine the connection between solar radiation and the Suresh Linkage Complex.