{{-- This is a deleted archival record from the ARK site, from prior to Nov 2011 --}}
Director of Institute Information Technologies; System Architect and Engineering
Assignment Project LookingGlass
Work Group System Architecture
Unit ID 0477209
Extension 01464
Classification SLC-NonExpressive
Supervisor Peter Varlane
INTERNAL RECORDS {{-- This was some kind of executive-level data archive. Mostly deleted. I've saved what I could. --}}
...o the files retrieved from the Odessa, TX Primatech facility, Doctor Schwenkman was privately assisting a recent MIT graduate by the name of Michelle LeRoux with a physics project entitled LookingGlass. Primatech destroyed much of the research on this project and consolidated the remainder in so far unknown archives. We do not believe that the archives Director Dalton absconded with contained this information either, but that leaves us no closer to identifying where LeRoux's records went. Since we have returned Schwenkman's memories, he has been able to fill in several of our knowledge gaps on the issue.
This isn't directly related, but I'm concerned regarding the recent face-to-face meeting Doctor Schwenkman had with the Director on 7/8/11. At your request I discretely observed the meeting, and I believe the Director may be allowing personal issues to blind his judgment. He is putting an incredible amount of pressure on Schwenkman to finish the LookingGlass prototype by bypassing security and safety checks. Your own assessment that the Director has become increasingly unstable since his resurrection isn't isolated. I've spoken with both Director Varlane and Executive-Director Kravid and both have said that their interactions have been brief, impersonal, and insulting. Though I'm not inclined to put much weight on Varlane's concerns, Kravid's feel more grounded in reality. The Director has made no efforts to speak with Erica, and has continuously rebuffed her attempts at discussing projects outside of Eden, LookingGlass, and Eclipse. He has repeatedly refused her access to other critical future-enhancing projects and instructed her to shut down Schwenkman's STRUCTURE project.
I believe you may be the only one who could speak to him on a peer-to-peer level. But his paranoia has been higher than ever. Last week he privately asked me to sweep the Natazhat facility for listening devices three times. On the third time I brought up Verse, just to prove once and for all it was clear. He then kept talking about devising "shielding" against precognitive visions.
Maybe we should take this offline? Call me later.
Desmond Harper